16-Bit Marketing Apps

Followers Now 1.0
The all new app from FollowersNow.net!The number one website for all your social marketing needs.Social Media Services for You!We offer fast and affordable followers, likes,subscribers,comments, views and more! Grow your image or businesstoday withus! We offer services for all the main sites like:Instagram,Twitter, Youtube and Facebook. We cut the BS and giveyouhigh-quality service. Be seen, be heard, be recognized!**App Features**-Track Instagram Followers, Un-followers and havein-depthstatistics for you profile.-Purchase marketing packages from within the app! Needfollowersor likes? Just pick up your phone and your set.-Track your orders with us directly on the app. Enter yourordernumber and email to get real time updates!-Never miss a sale! With deals up to 50% off get the bestdealsfrom within the app.**Our Services Include**-Instagram Followers-Facebooks Fanpage Likes-Twitter Followers-Youtube Views/Subscribers